This morning was Kindergarten at Women in Action. It went a little better than yesterday. I think because they were smaller and I wasn’t intimidated. And I knew where to start this time – at the beginning. Didn’t have to look at any notes, etc, just knew to start teaching them numbers. So yes, we tried to teach them numbers 1, 2, & 3 today. They’re 3-5 year olds so for some of the younger ones, it was pointless. But it was still cute.
We sang Hallelujah/Praise Ye the Lord, they started to catch on. Then we showed them pictures of 1, 2, & 3 and had them repeat it. We tried holding up our fingers to have them recognize 2 fingers, etc, and then held up pencils. Not sure they got it. They can repeat things till they’re blue in the face. Then we had them color bubble numbers ... tried to help them understand what they were coloring. Some of the little ones had never held a pencil/crayon before, so that was a new thing. But it was adorable to watch. Then we played a game – duck, duck, goose but with amazi, amazi, echupa (water, water, bottle). They loved it. Of course, that game is always a hit with kids. Then we went over the numbers again, this time giving them numbers to trace to try and write them. This actually worked really well. I think it helped them to make it more concrete in their minds, instead of just a picture in front of them. I would trace the number with them and then say it, trying to get them to recognize it. Some caught on, some didn’t.
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